Just about every newly manufactured motor vehicle is today issued with some type of transponder key. Regardless of whether you’re driving a Chrysler, BMW, Ford, Toyota or Chevrolet, every one of them is issued with a transponder key. However more education is necessary in order to provide vehicle owners with a better understanding regarding the pros and cons of transponder keys. One of the primary reasons for the use of transponder keys is simply, to prevent the vehicle from being hotwired. Such a vehicle will simply not start if the pre-programmed device fitted on the switch does not detect the specific low-level signal from the key. Quite frankly should a fake key be used which does not have the correct signal the vehicle will simply not start. Even should someone know how to hotwire your vehicle, it will still not start because there is no signal from the key.
One of the identifying marks of transponder keys is simply that the plastic part of the key will mostly be considerably thicker than would be the case with a key that does not have a transponder. This statement may not always be correct but it mostly is. You could also wrap tinfoil around the plastic part of the key and then try to use that key to start the vehicle. If the vehicle refuses to start then you can be certain that the key is a transponder key. Once again there may be exceptions but using these two examples should mostly provide you with a definite answer. The price of your vehicle key is another indication that it may be a transponder key. You simply have to call the vehicle dealership, provide them with the vehicle identification number and then require what the cost of replacement will be. Should the replacement key be relatively cheap then it’s a clear indication that this is just a normal key, however is the price is quite high this is mostly a clear sign that you have a transponder key.
A remote starter is basically is a device which is hot wiring your car in a manner which closely resembles the process used by your transponder key. However once again if your vehicle does not detect the correct signal from the key then such a remote device will not be successful in starting that vehicle. There are however several available devices that may be successful in bypassing security measures when the vehicle is started. Basically these devices will be able to convince the security system of the vehicle that a key is actually present. However this will only be possible during the remote start cycle and no attempt is made in any way to remove the protection that a vehicle transponder key provides. It’s only during the start cycle that the process is bypassed. It’s important to know that only bypass devices that has been installed by professionals will have no effect on the warranty of your motor vehicle.